This blog is written by me, Emily. I'm a Londoner who's embraced small space living. At first this was due to necessity: high house prices and a studio flat that my husband and I made home. However, over time what I thought would be a short term solution has become a long term choice, and has resulted in me adopting a minimalist mindset.
The articles on this site are an exploration of architecture and design, and the impact they both have on our lives. Architecture occupies a somewhat unique position: it impacts on so much of our life but is often categorised as one of those things that regular people have no say over. Whilst structural architectural decisions are made by qualified people (thank goodness), this blog looks at the things that every day folk can have opinions on.
After all, good design is not just something in a shop that you can pick up and put down. It's not something in a museum that someone else owns and you can mull over and leave where it is. It's something that can have a positive impact on your everyday life. And it's something that can eliminate dodgy layout-induced stubbed toes, the bastards of bad design.
You can contact me via email and follow me on Instagram.
Images are used with permission and thanks, and fully credited underneath each photo.